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A brief description of the sensation and pain associated with acoustic wave therapy for ED.

What does it feel like, and the side effects of shockwave therapy.

Is Shockwave Painful?

Shock wave therapy for ED is designed to be low intensity and is applied with the use of a mild anesthetic. Each session begins with a topical numbing solution applied to the genitals. Depending on the patient’s health and individual pain response, different solutions with different strengths are used. Specialists can apply a penile dorsal block to completely block nerve response during the therapy if a patient is especially nervous about pain. Erectile tissue extends beyond the area of the penis, so the treatment will also include the area under the testicles and up to the perineum, except with patients who have prostate cancer.

Specialists will manage and optimize the numbness to ensure the effect wears off as quickly as possible, usually within 2 ½ to 4 hours. Most men report little to no pain associated with the procedure.

Side Effects of Shockwave Therapy

The side effects of Shockwave therapy are usually limited to mild bruising, swelling, pain, numbness or tingling in the treated area. The recovery from acoustic wave therapy for ED is minimal compared to any surgical ED treatment. "Most patients take a day or two off after treatment but don't require a prolonged recovery period.

Patients will likely also see redness in the treated area of the skin and that simply indicates a healthy response. Some of the key benefits of this low intensity acoustic wave ED therapy are its lack of side effects and its minimally invasive strategy.

What Does It Feel Like?

Most patients report a sensation of light tapping or a tingling association but do not characterize it as pain.

Key benefits of Shock wave or GAINSwave therapy

In addition to the low-intensity minimally invasive and drug-free benefits of Shock wave therapy, and unlike Viagra and other potency drugs, acoustic wave therapy for ED provides more than a short term effect. Shock wave therapy increases nitric oxide, and produces a similar effect as PDE-5 drugs, but Shock wave therapy treats the cause instead of the symptom. The majority of patients report results that produce healthier more responsive tissue, longer lasting erections, and markedly improved sexual performance. For some men, the results of the acoustic wave therapy for ED can last up to two years. Shock wave therapy may also become the most effective ED treatment for patients with special physical conditions, including those with diabetes and neurological complications.

If you are suffering from the effects of ED, it’s important to face the problem directly. Overcome the emotional hurdles commonly associated with seeking treatment for ED problems. Consult specialists who can offer a wide range of ED treatment options, including acoustic wave therapy for ED.